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Belt Ranks & Themes


I come to you with only “Karate” – empty hands. I have no weapons; but should I be forced to defend myself, my principles or my honour; should it be a matter of life or death, of right or wrong; For Law and order, family and friends then here are my weapons – “Karate” – my empty hands.

Yellow Belt

Laying the foundation

The foundation for the entire system is provided by basic stances and movements learned in the first belt. The five yellow belt techniques are as street-practical and effective as those at any level. The first grade is difficult because it will be the first time you show off your new skills to your instructors and classmates.

Orange Belt

Expanding the Arsenal

The “arsenal” of strikes, checks, and blocks expands as attack scenarios are broadened. You will begin to move more like a martial artist.

Purple Belt

Seizing Control

By stepping into attacks, grabbing, trapping and taking an opponent to the ground you will begin to seize control. Control is also achieved by keeping a safe distance and moving to the side.

Blue belt

Mastering Movement

The focus for this grade is intensified on ensuring that everything works together. Arms, legs, head, and body all work together to counter any attack, from any direction. You will also begin to face multiple opponents while sparring in order to bring more realism to your gradings.

Green Belt

Finding the Flow

This upper-echelon rank is a landmark achievement. Training focuses on smooth movements, circles, and constant motion, which is the essence of Chinese martial arts.

Brown Belt

Powering Up

Power, speed, and precision are confidently applied with zero hesitation. More complex scenarios are confronted, including defence against weapons and multiple attackers.

Black Belt

The End Is the Beginning

Earning a black belt is naturally seen as a fulfilment of a goal and the time to stop training. But in reality, it is a new beginning. The main theme of this level is embracing martial arts as a way of life. This is a grading that most people will never get to, and those who do usually give up before the end.

Black Belt Degrees

Rank designation in BLACK BELT is denoted by red stripes and/or bars at the end of the belt. Each stripe indicates a single degree. Each bar represents five degrees. The highest attainable rank is a 10th-degree black belt, which is indicated by 2 sets of bars on each end of the belt.

Junior Belt Ranks

Any rank up to and including black belt may be attained by students under 16; however, such belt levels are considered Junior Belt Rank. Junior ranks tend to learn the same techniques and forms as Senior ranks, but without extensions. Extensions aren't included in Junior grades because they are considered to be more dangerous.

Students under 16 may be regarded with half-belts at the instructors’ discretion when their progress indicates they are on track for their next belt level, with the understanding that the lower belt colour still represents their official rank.

At the age of 16, a student's Junior rank is automatically considered his or her adult rank, except for Junior Black Belt. In this case, the student must take a specialized test in order to receive a First-Degree Black Belt.