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Kite School of Kenpo Syllabus

There are over 120 techniques in Kenpo Karate. Here you can learn the technique names and what they are used to defend against.

Grade Requirements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt

  • Delayed Sword
    Front - Right hand lapel grab
  • Alternating Maces
    Two hand front push
  • Sword of destruction
    Left hooking push
  • Deflecting hammer
    Right kick
  • Captured Twigs
    Rear bear hug - arms pinned
  • Grasp of Death
    Left flank headlock
  • Checking the Storm
    Right overhead club
  • Mace of aggression
    Two hand lapel grab
  • Attacking Mace
    Right step-through punch
  • Sword and Hammer
    Right flank shoulder grab
  • Forms and Sets Required

  • Star Blocking Set
  • Basic Stance Set
Orange Belt

Orange Belt

  • Clutching Feathers
    Front left-hand hair grab
  • Triggered Salute
    Front right-hand direct push
  • Gift of Destruction
  • Locking Horns
    Front head-lock
  • Lone Kimono
    Front left-hand lapel grab
  • Glancing Salute
    Front roundhouse right punch
  • Five Swords
    Front roundhouse right punch
  • Scraping Hoof
    Full Nelson
  • Grip of Death
    Left flank right headlock
  • Crossing Talon
    Front right cross wrist grab
  • Shielding Hammer
    Font hooking left punch
  • Forms and Sets Required

  • Little Dragon
Purple Belt

Purple Belt

  • Striking Serpents Head
    Front bear hug - arms free
  • Thrusting Salute
    Front straight right snap kick
  • Locked Wing
    Right rear hammerlock
  • Obscure Wing
    Right flank, left hand shoulder grab
  • Reversing Mace
    Front straight left punch
  • Buckling Branch
    Front straight left kick
  • Thrusting Prongs
    Front bear hug - arms pinned
  • Twisted Twig
    Front wrist lock
  • Obscure Sword
    Right flank, left hand shoulder grab
  • Repeating Mace
    Front left-hand push
  • Raining Claw
    Front uppercut right punch
  • Crashing Wings
    Rear bear hug - arms free
  • Forms and Sets Required

  • Short Form 1 on the left
  • Elbow Set
Blue Belt

Blue Belt

  • Twirling Wings
    Left rear stiff arm shoulder grab
  • Snapping Twig
    Front left-hand chest push
  • Leaping Crane
    Right front step through punch
  • Swinging Pendulum
    Front right roundhouse kick
  • Crushing Hammer
    Rear bear hug - arms pinned
  • Captured Leaves
    Right flank finger lock
  • Evading the Storm
    Right front overhead club
  • Charging Ram
    Front tackle
  • Parting Wings
    Front two hand push
  • Thundering Hammers
    Front step through right punch
  • Squeezing the Peach
    Rear bear hug - arms pinned
  • Circling Wings
    Rear two hand choke - arms bent
  • Forms and Sets Required

  • Short Form 2
  • Threading the Needle
Green Belt

Green Belt

  • Intellectual Departure
    Right step-through front kick
  • Calming The Storm
    Front right step-through roundhouse club
  • Darting Mace
    Front two hand wrist grab
  • Hooking Wings
    Front two hand low push
  • Shield and Sword
    Left front straight step through punch
  • Bow of Compulsion
    Front wrist lock against opponent's chest
  • Forms and Sets Required

  • Co-ordination Set
Brown Belt

Brown Belt

    Black Belt

    Black Belt

      Black Belt Degrees

        Junior Belt Ranks