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The Importance of Practising Kenpo


In class your Kite School of Kenpo Instructors are always emphasizing the importance of practice, only through constant practice will you be able to progress and improve.

So what do we mean when we say practice, practice, practice at the closing of each lesson, practice what exactly? Practice of Kenpo means constant regular repetition of the moves we show you every week during class. If you only carry out those moves at the club once or twice per week you will quickly forget them. Regular practice not only teaches you the physical moves, in addition it teaches you self-discipline, through practice.

The most important things to practice are the Kenpo Basics, as one of our Kenpo brothers used to describe them “The Golden Treasures”.

By basics, we mean stances, blocks, strikes and kicks, these basic movements, if regularly carried out will soon become second nature to you, just like walking or running, something you do without any thought. If you are attacked in the street, local park or school playground, for example, by knowing the basics of Kenpo you will be adequately equipped and able to defend yourself, your family and friends. If you're ever confronted by a bully or several bullies, remember that you have Kenpo skills called “The Golden Treasures.” These skills can give you both physical and mental superiority, as well as the tools you need to neutralize your attacker(s). So, stay confident and use your skills to protect yourself. Knowing the basics will also allow you, at the club to perfect your self-defence techniques, sets, and forms.

Remember Kenpo is not a sport, not a game that you play now and then like football, tennis or a visit to the swimming pool. Kenpo practice is both a physical and mental discipline, a way of life. A commitment to Kenpo will give you confidence enabling you to cope with difficult and stressful situations in everyday life, such as school work, exams, or maybe difficulties at home.

A famous Karate Master was once asked, what will a lifetime of practice give you, he replied “simply calmness and preparedness in the face of adversity”.
So come on Kids make a promise to yourself that you will advance your Kenpo knowledge by practising those Kenpo basics every day.
Go and unlock those “Golden Treasures”.